• Laura Franzen-Elmer

    DIRECTOR (2015)

    Laura is passionate about the stability and improvement at both ice rinks in Madison as a community service for both the West and East side in need of maintaining access to youth hockey, high school hockey, figure skating, sled hockey, Learn-to-skate, synchronized skating, adaptive programs, etc. Laura has been actively involved with the rinks for the past 19 years with multiple children involved in figure skating, youth hockey and high school hockey. Professionally, Laura is a Director of Global IT Systems for a Fortune 500 company providing financial technology services worldwide. 

  • Andy Mendyk

    DIRECTOR (2021)

     Andy has 3 boys currently active in the West Madison Polar Caps Youth Hockey Organization and West High School Hockey team. Andy served as the Board President for the West Madison Polar Caps Youth Hockey Association from 2021-2024. 

  • Jessica Hermsen

    DIRECTOR (2024)

     Jessica has a consulting practice focused on organization development, change management, and executive communications. When Jessica isn’t working or driving her kids to the ice rink, she’s volunteering with several organizations including the East Madison Ice Collective (EMIC), Figure Skating Club of Madison, and Madison Community Montessori School providing communications, marketing & fundraising support. The Hermsens also host exchange students who happen to skate!

  • Rachel Neill

    DIRECTOR (2024)

    Rachel Neill is co-founder of Carex Consulting Group and Figgy Play. Rachel has extensive experience in building teams, raising capital and driving start-ups. Rachel grew up figure skating and credits the sport with providing her with drive and determination. Her daughter Pippa also shares a love for the sport and you can find her boys, Steven, Gavin and Ben playing ice hockey, as Rachel and her husband cheer them on!

  • Jesse Sondel

    DIRECTOR (2024)

    Jesse grew up in Madison playing hockey at MIA in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Jesse has kids in the Polar Caps and the Madison Metro Lynx High School Programs. 

  • Jim Wartinbee

    DIRECTOR (2004)

    Jim was a Senior Vice President in Commercial Lending with First Business Bank and retired in 2016. Jim’s first Hockey game was in 1973 and then became very active including President of the Blue Line Club during the 1970s. Jim’s two sons played youth hockey at the Madison Ice Arena and Memorial High School. Jim became active with Madison Ice Inc in 2004 and is one of the original board members. 

  • Dan O'Connell

    DIRECTOR (2004)

    Dan has been on the MII board since inception in 2004 and has served as the MII Board President for 20 years. All three of Dan’s children participated in skating and hockey programs at MIA and Hartmeyer Ice Arena, and now has grandchildren involved in skating at the ice arenas. Dan has spent most of his professional career financing, developing, and managing commercial real estate, with a significant emphasis on affordable housing. 

  • Jeremy Schlitz


     Jeremy is the MMSD Director of Athletics. 

  • Lindsay Schleis

    DIRECTOR (2022)

    Lindsay is an active mom of 3, with 2 hockey players. She is passionate about giving back to the great sport of hockey and is committed to providing access and opportunities for aspiring players. 

  • Kevin Luecke

    DIRECTOR (2024)

    Kevin is a multimodal transportation planner who lives on Madison’s near east side. As a lifelong recreational skater, Kevin is strongly interested in ensuring that opportunities to Learn-to-skate, play hockey and figure skating continue to be available year-round within the City of Madison.